The View from Infinity Feet
Dear Ones, let us introduce ourselves, the many expressions of Source. We are here, flowing through this dear Human to communicate our Love, Devotion and Desire to support your evolution and expansion. We are non-physical, non-local, able to move through time and space in a way that as Humans you are not yet able. When this dear Human flew in an aircraft for the first time, it seemed so high so wonderful to be above the clouds looking down at the Earth and the shining ocean. Everything on the ground seeming so small. That is as high as most Humans ever go. A handful have been in space, able to see the Earth as a whole. Our view is even 'higher' than that. To paraphrase Buzz Lightyear, “From and to infinity and beyond!” There is a part of You that can see that far and that broadly although it requires a quieter mind than most Humans have to be able to hear that part of Us. We never shout. Every Human has the capacity to “Tune in, Tap in, Turn on” as our dear expression of S...