This blog has been on hiatus for a long time. Just like a lot of life really during these couple of years. My Mother passed away in October last year. And my Father is currently in hospital with an uncertain prognosis. It has been a time of great stress and strain, and also great growth and transformation. I want to share with others my own journey and ahas. We are never alone even when it feels like we are. The Human experience may often feel like a separate journey, but our experiences are universal. And the Source of All is always with us even when through anger or hurt or disbelief we pinch ourselves off. The Flow of Well Being is Eternal. 

The reason I'm posting today is that I had a HUGE aha and clearing (probably more to do lol) about Belief Structures I'd built inside of me. That don't necessarily make any sense but made sense to some part of me at some point in this life, and was probably in part handed down through the generations. Belief Structures that said that this Physical World is one of torment and pain and punishment. That THIS world is the hell we were thrown into after being kicked out of the Garden of Eden as a punishment for daring, like Prometheus to steal the fire of the gods... the  fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. That we were separated from our Source, to be tortured and tormented and had to earn through suffering our way back into Heaven. Ooooof. Heavy, right?

How much of this or something like this is embedded in Mass Consciousness? I know I am not the only Human Being on planet Earth to have these or similar Belief Structures. Aeons of religious teaching (and I am not against religion but anything filtered through the Human Mind is subject to being twisted and polarised) has embedded a fear of Divine Retribution and the need to atone for sin. And a handing over of power and choice to a 'Higher Power' over which we have no say. Religion itself is a comfort and support to many people. But like many other things on Earth it has also been used to control, indoctrinate and conform. 

As the winter approaches, the nights draw in and we are asked to go within. Much like nature outside is bedding down, withdrawing into itself to renew for Spring. The veil between worlds is thinner, and we contemplate endings and beginnings. The Cycle of Life, birth and death and rebirth. As my Father is reaching the next phase of his life on Earth, however long that might be, he and I are also going within, clearing what no longer serves. What we are not going to carry forward in whatever the next phase of our lives are. I know my Mother is with us. Both my Father and I have sensed her, and felt her invisible touch. 

Life is an Eternal cycle of Becoming and UnBecoming. Of Oneness moving into the illusion of Separation back to Oneness, It's time for our Human Selves to be let in on the Secret. To raise the Human part to deeply know this Truth. And that requires clearing away all the illusionary beliefs we were born into and thought we had to accept and embody. A life-long process for most of us. There are times, such as 'losing' Loved Ones, where this process is enhanced if you let it. 

Let go, and Let God.

But it's not an external God, a God of punishment and reward but the part of you that is Source supporting your Human Experiences here on Earth. 

I hope that this helps someone. It's helping me to express it and see it in Black and White. I'm not expecting others to see things my way, or agree. If it resonates, wonderful. If it doesn't also wonderful. Obey your own knowing and what feels right to you. If there is one thing that I am learning through this whole time, it's to be Me. To own My Truth and do what feels right for me. 

Picture by jeffjacobs1990   


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