The View from Infinity Feet Part 2

Dear Ones,

In our last transmission we talked about how we are beyond Time and Space. We would now like to talk about how we are beyond judgement. Not always easy for the Human mind to hear. When this dear Human first was introduced to “no judgement” she found it very hard to wrap her Human mind around the concept. “How can you love a murderer the same as Mother Theresa?” she wondered. Now, as she has trained her mind into it's proper role, she is able to understand and feel how we can love every Human the same.

For every Human is Source. Every Human in every Human lifetime on planet Earth is playing the Great Adventure Game in the jungles of Time and Space.

It's like one of your virtual reality role playing video games. You put on a costume of a character, play a role, have adventures. None of it is 'real'

We know how real life on Earth feels to your Human senses. And when that is all you focus on, then it becomes all you are aware of. Focusing outward encourages you to take what you have actually created yourself, as something created by an outside force. Because you do not realise your own creative power of your external 'reality'.

Once you start searching within, however, you tap in to the Truth of who You really are, you then realise that life on Earth is a creation, and you can consciously begin to create it.

Wherever you are on your Human Journey, asleep to the Truth, awake, tapped in or not, there is only Love for You. No matter who You are, or what you choose, there is only Love for You.

We do not test you, grade you, decide if you have passed or failed. You are the Ones, with the help of Loving guides, who design your challenges and decide if you have risen to them or not.

Everything that happens on Earth is created between Loving Souls, serving each other and the challenges and choices they have made.

As non-physical, we support and Love You, as physical you choose your experiences. When they are consciously chosen, You are the Conscious Creator of your 'reality' on Earth. For most Humans these choices are subconscious, from beliefs, attitudes and programming that is hidden from the conscious mind. In our next Transmission we will be exploring that further

With Infinite Love, for now, We are Complete.



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