From Separation to Support in all things


With my Father in hospital and the future uncertain, I've been focusing a lot on clearing baggage from the past, connecting with my guides and raising my vibration. And feeling my Light Team, my 'Power Posse' as I like to call them like never before. So it was quite a surprise when I ended up with a mild panic attack last night. 

My heart was racing and I couldn't sleep. Anxiety and fear were bubbling up. My mind trying to find boxes and pathways of what was likely to happen so it could be 'prepared'. But of course the mind can only come up with limited ideas of what's possible. And none of them were really helpful to say the least! 

So I tossed and turned, asked for help, meditated and tuned in as best I could. As I allowed my self to feel the anxiety and started to clear any beliefs around it, I felt calmer. I understood that the high vibration I'd been reaching earlier had shaken loose some lower vibrations. And then the thought 'I AM supported' felt like a new thought. I realised up to now, it had seemed like an abstract concept. "Yeah, yeah, we're loved and supported... cool." Without being a real deep knowing. 

But in that moment it became a real thing to me. 

Then today I went across the road to the Petrol (gas)Station to take out cash for the taxi to the hospital. I realised I'd left my phone at home. For a moment I was like 'oh no'. But it felt good to be away for even just a few minutes. Away from the feeling of being alert to phone calls and messages. As I relaxed into that feeling a new aha came to me. Even though 'Support' had become more than a concept, I suddenly realised that I'd been seeing Spiritual Support as something 'out there'. Airy Fairy, never landing on Earth. Sure, I'm loved by Source, but "Love doesn't pay the bills, honey". LOL. (Well I guess it can but not in ways I can mention in this blog... :-) 

In my mind I'd separated More Physical and Less Physical, the Earthly Realm and the Heavenly Realm as two separate places. And sure you can be loved by the Angels but what does that have to do with Earth Life?

Well, everything. 

I've been clearing baggage and belief systems around More Physical and Less Physical for years now. Getting ever closer to integrating understanding of the continuum of vibration. It only appears separate to us because we have different ways of connecting with different points on the continuum. Our physical senses perceive light, sound etc. Our non-physical senses, the Chakra system, ESP etc.. perceives the less physical. And most humans on planet Earth have not developed their non-physical senses. So the consensus of Mass Consciousness is that these things don't exist. Or if they do, they are 'out there' somewhere. And this is where I was still in Separation. Separation Anxiety if you will... 

So walking back from the garage, I suddenly had the aha. That Support from Less Physical sources activates at all levels. Thoughts really do become things. Just as the Universe was created from Less Physical, so everything we could ever desire is first created in Less Physical form and vibrates it's way down to the More Physical level if we let it. There is no level of existence separate from Support, and no area of Life excluded from Support. From finding lost keys, to miraculous healing and everything in between. 

This is what our Angels, our Cheerleaders, our Light Teams, want us to know. They really do have our back. They really do Love us Unconditionally. And they are here to Support us in all things. In all ways. At all levels of existence. The only thing we have to do is allow it in. 

They cannot override our Free Will. If we have unconscious beliefs that say for example, we are not worthy of support, they cannot override that. They will still Love us Unconditionally and wait patiently until we are able to let them in. They will wait as long as it takes. 

The whole Human Journey is a journey from Separation back into Integration and Oneness. It's a journey worth taking as fraught and traumatic as it often feels. How much more do I appreciate feeling connected with my Guides, having felt so disconnected? How much more do I appreciate the closeness I feel with my Father, having felt distant for so long? 

My Human Self doesn't know exactly how the path is going. And quite honestly doesn't want to know. I'm trying to take it one day at a time. Concentrating on maintaining as high vibration as I can and clearing what gets shaken loose. When my mind goes into trying to think about the probably outcome, I direct it to a question mark through which it can glimpse the Infinite Field of Possibilities. It's a work in progress for sure. But getting a little easier day by day. 

Picture by cocoparisienne


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